V43 “Szili”

Sound project



  • sound material of the MÁV V43 type locomotive,
  • the audio material was made using recordings of locomotives 1014, 1071, 1279, 1340, 1346,
  • the recordings were made between 2017 and 2019,
  • 16-bit resolution
  • the sound material
    • freely editable with our DigiSoundEditor sound editing program,
    • can be downloaded freely with our DigiProgram download program,
  • the downloadable dtt files contain the recommended CV settings for locomotives with PluX22 and 21MTC decoder sockets, loadable into DigiSound-3.5 (from v27), 4.5 (from v27) and DigiSound-5.5 decoders. 
  • The dtt files under the “Downloads” tab can be opened with an application called DigiProgram, which makes it easier to see, manage, write and read the locomotive’s CV parameters.
Recommended CV settings:



Name CV register Recommended value CV register Recommended value
Minimum speed     CV2 1
Acceleration     CV3 20
Deceleration     CV4 8
Maximum speed     CV5 150
Medium speed     CV6 75
Acceleration delay     CV60 100
Shunting light settings CV119 CV123 CV134 134 134 6 CV119 CV123 CV126 CV130 134 134 6 6
Upper headlight settings CV138 CV139 CV140 CV141 CV193 CV154 CV155 CV156 CV157 CV197 5 134 142 29 1 5 134 144 29 2    
Adjusting the end lights CV126 CV127 CV190 CV130 CV131 CV191 29 134 2 29 134 1    
Cabin lights CV142 CV146 17 19 CV134 CV138 17 19
Disable side lights to F14 CV120 CV128 142 142 CV127 78
Disable side B headlights with F16 CV124 CV132 144 144 CV131 80
Setting function modes CV176 CV177 CV178 CV179 CV180 CV181 CV185 12 12 2 2 2 2 2    
Adjust brightness CV300 CV301 CV312 CV313 CV314 CV315 CV316 64 64 16 16 40 40 16 CV300 CV301 CV312 CV313 CV314 CV315 64 64 16 16 16 16
Volume CV210 125    
The recommended CV settings apply:
  • With DigiTools PluX22 preparation panel and DigiSound-3.5 or later sound decoder,
  • DigiTools with 21MTC preparation panel and with DigiSound-3.4 sound decoder
fitted to Fuggerth V43 locomotives! The factory locomotive (NEM652, version with 8-pin connector) does not require special settings.
Function allocation:  
Function key Voice Volume CV register * Default value
F0 ** basic lighting (2 or 3 white front lights + 1 or 2 red locks back)    
F1 complementary operation brake sound changing direction Position switch traction motor CV220 CV225 CV223 CV224 CV229 255 255 255 255 255
F2 long horn CV221 255
F3 short horn CV222 255
F4 brake sound, reversing CV223 255
F5 ** high beam (PluX22) (top headlight and higher brightness) dimming (21MTC)    
F6 ** Reversing mode and light    
F7 compressor    
F8 traction motor ventilation    
F9 volume adjustment in 2 steps simple volume CV210 double volume CV211 125 80
F10 decoupling CV226 255
F11 door closed CV227 255
F12 sandbox CV228 255
F13 announcement by voice 1 CV232 255
F14 ** Switching off the driving lights on side A    
F15 voice announcement 2 CV230 255
F16 ** Switching off the driving lights on side B    
F17 ** A Side cab lighting    
F18 voice announcement 3 CV231 255
F19 ** B side cab lighting    
F28 mute the sound    
* The volume for the given sound (eg long horn) can be adjusted individually in the indicated CV register! ** For locomotives equipped with the recommended settings, DigiTools-Posch Model Tunning Kit!