Sound project



  • the original sound material of the locomotive SU46-047,
  • the recording was made at a towing station in Wegliniec on 14.11.2018,
  • 16-bit resolution
  • 8 MB memory sound,
  • the sound material
    • freely editable with our DigiSoundEditor sound editing program,
    • it can be downloaded freely with our DigiProgram download program.
  • The audio material does not require special CV settings.
Feature allocation:  
Function key Function / Sound Volume CV register * Default value
F0 basic lighting    
F1 engine brake sound brake release CV220 CV226 CV232 255 255 255
F2 first horn CV222 255
F3 short first horn CV224 255
F5 dimming    
F6 shunting mode    
F7 compressor CV221 255
F9 volume adjustment in 2 steps simple volume CV210 double volume CV211 164 80
F10 back horn CV223 255
F11 short back horn CV225 255
F12 preheater CV227 255
F13 buzzer CV228 255
F14 cooling shutter CV229 255
F15 sandbox CV230 255
F16 blowing CV231 255
F19 brake sound brake release CV226 CV232 255 255
F20 engine speed    
From F21 other light functions    
F28 mute the sound    
* The volume for the given sound (eg long horn) can be adjusted individually in the indicated CV register!