ABbmot / Bbmot

Sound project



  • the original soundtrack of the ABbmot 610 car,
  • the recording is from MÁV Nosztalgia Kft. made on 26.04.2019,
  • 16-bit resolution
  • 8 MB of audio, can be uploaded to DigiSound-3.x series or later decoders,
  • the sound material
    • freely editable with our DigiSoundEditor sound editing program,
    • can be downloaded freely with our DigiProgram download program,
  • the downloadable dtt file contains the recommended CV settings for the ABBmot and Bbmot motor cars. 
Recommended CV settings:
Name CV register Recommended value
Acceleration CV3 42
End lock light settings CV126 CV190 CV130 CV191 4 1 4 2
Interior lighting settings CV146 CV193 CV154 CV194 10 1 10 2
Cab lighting settings (H0 only) CV138 CV142 11 11
Setting function modes CV176 CV177 CV178 CV179 12 12 12 12
Other settings CV201 CV214 7 1
The recommended CV settings apply to MTB ABbmot and Bbmot motor locomotives, appropriate for both H0 and TT models!
Function allocation:  
Function key Function / Sound Volume CV register * Default value
F0 basic lighting    
F1 engine changing direction brake sound CV224 CV225 CV226 255 255 255
F2 long horn CV221 255
F3 long bagpipes CV220 255
F4 end lock light    
F5 dimming    
F6 shunting mode    
F7 short horn CV223 255
F8 short bagpipe CV222 255
F9 volume adjustment in 2 steps simple volume CV210 double volume CV211 164 80
F10 ** passenger compartment lighting    
F11 ** cab lighting (MTB H0 only)    
F12 squeaking CV231 255
F13 door CV227 255
F14 blowing CV228 255
F15 brake release CV229 255
F16 guide whistle CV230 255
F17 short squeak CV232 255
F18 announcement by voice 1 CV233 255
F19 voice announcement 2 CV234 255
F20 voice announcement 3 CV235 255
F28 mute the sound    
* The volume for the given sound (eg long horn) can be adjusted individually in the indicated CV register! ** When using the recommended settings!