We created DigiTools Elektronika Kft. in 2010 with the aim of promoting various digital solutions in the field of railway modeling among Hungarian railway modelers, and to introduce countless possibilities for railway modelers.
With our self-developed high-quality digital tools, we enable railway modelers to bring within reach the complete digitization of trains or even an entire railroad layout.
We also make sound recordings of the available types of the Hungarian locomotive fleet for our audio decoders, thus satisfying the needs of those who collect Hungarian models.
In addition to the production of electronics, we also deal with the production of typically Hungarian models missing from the offer of railway model manufacturers, as well as the production of limited small series with a maximum of 50 pieces per track number.
We hope you enjoy of railway modeling with our products, we hope to welcome you among our satisfied customers soon.
Tamás Fürdős, Róbert Kiss, Zsolt Dancza
Tel .: + 3620-426-0606
e-mail: info@digitools.hu
e-mail: kissrobert@digitools.hu
e-mail: danczazsolt@digitools.hu
Customer service office
1094 Budapest, Márton u.17. basement
Please make an appointment by phone before visiting us.
Digitools Elektronika Kft.
1214 Budapest,
Erdősor u. 42
Tax number: 23015775-2-43
Digitools Elektronika Kft.
1094 Budapest,
Márton u. 17.
ERSTE Bank Hungary Plc.
DigiTools Elektronika Kft.
IBAN: HU39116000060000000044682277
https://www.digitools.hu (c) – all rights reserved
All content, images, text and documents on this website are the property of digitools.hu and may not be used in other publications without permission. The linking of the images on the website to other sites is allowed, but digitools.hu does not guarantee permanent content.
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The IT background is provided by the servers of DeployIS Kft.
The website was created and maintained by Digitools Elektronika Kft.
If you have any questions or concerns about this site, please contact the website operator at info@digitools.hu.
The digital model railway products manufactured and marketed by DigiTools Elektronika Kft. use several types of internal software (firmware).
The software for DigiPC module is provided by Paco Canada, with permission from the author.
All other products are proprietary in design and programming, using a repository of open standards and recommendations, as well as digital solutions, such as the NMRA public DCC standard, and the S88-n standard developed by openDCC.
We welcome wholesale opportunities on a case by case basis. Please contact us for details.
We are unable to receive parcels at our customer service office.